Challenges to Russia’s Civil Unity and Internal Stability from Religious, Ethnic and Regional Extremism




religious, ethnic, regional, civil identities, All-Russian unity, challenges, solidarities


Based on field research of 2022-2024, the article analyses the threats to the civil unity and internal stability of Russia from religious, ethnic and regional separatism. Research was conducted in different regions of the Russian Federation, where different types of extremism as an ideology and its practical manifestations were most evident. Religious extremism was studied using the case of the Republic of Dagestan, where in-depth and expert interviews were combined with a questionnaire survey. Ethnic extremism was studied on the case of Russia’s Kazakhs, residing mainly in the regions bordering Kazakhstan and migrant communities in the Moscow and Yaroslavl regions, using the method of in-depth and expert interviews and focus groups. Regional extremism was studied by the same methods in two groups of Russian regions: in the republics of Altai, Buryatia, and Kalmykia, and in the republics of Bashkortostan and Tatarstan. Based on the study data, it can be concluded that attributes of the formation of religious, ethnic and regional extremism do exist, but in none of the regions are they crippling or irreversible. The main factors for rejection of the surrounding world and formation of extremist versions of its alteration are the insufficient effectiveness of state and public institutions for economic and social self-realization and distrust of the authorities. Also to blame is the not entirely successful resistance of all-Russian ideology against slogans of radical Islamist transformation being actively developed in different world countries.


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How to Cite

Savin, I. (2024). Challenges to Russia’s Civil Unity and Internal Stability from Religious, Ethnic and Regional Extremism. Politics and Religion Journal, 18(2), 379–403.