Call for Papers and Panels, Politology of Religion: V Bi-Annual Conference 2025
We kindly invite scholars, researches, doctoral students, policy-makers and other stakeholders interested in the complex relationship between religion and politics to send their panel and/or paper proposals for the upcoming "Politology of Religion: V Bi-Annual Conference 2025" (POLREL2025). The conference will be held on May 23-24, 2025 in Belgrade, Serbia.
Conference is supported by University of Belgrade - Faculty of Political Science, and the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia.
This conference is dedicated to the latest challenges regarding the complex relationship between religion and politics. That is why we are looking forward to receiving highly qualitative panel and paper proposals examining this relationship from various academic backgrounds and methodological approaches. Both qualitative and quantitative papers are welcome.
Working language
Submission guidelines
We are interested in receiving both paper and/or panel proposals (in word or pdf format). Submission deadline is February 9, 2025.
Complete paper submission includes the following: Paper proposal (title of the paper, abstract up to 250 words, and 4-5 keywords), and Author’s short bio (Full name of the author(s), position held, academic background, contact details, and short list of publications).
Panel proposal should be submitted by a prospective panel chair, and must include a panel title, a short description of the panel (up to 100 words), and three or four paper proposals which should be presented. Additionally, short bios of all panel participants should be included (up to 150 words). Panel proposal should be submitted in a single file. Please note that no author should be listed on more than one paper within the same panel.
All applicants will be notified on the status of their submissions by February 10, 2025.
At this moment, we are happy to receive panel-seeking-papers submissions, which will be disseminated on the web site of Politics and Religion Journal.
All submissions should be sent directly to Dr. Marko Veković via Email:, and should include “POLREL2025” in the reference line.
Conference fee
Conference fee for the upcoming POLREL2025 is 70 Euros for well-established researchers (typically Assistant, Associate and Full Professors).
For PhD student and scholars coming from the Global South, the conference fee is 50 Euros.
The conference fee should be payed after the release of the draft programe of the conference (early April).
After the conference
We are happy to inform you that the recently published volume When Politics Meets Religion: Navigating Old Challenges and New Perspectives (Routlegde, 2024) is a product of our IV Bi-Annual conference held in May 2023.
Thus, after the 2025conference the Organizing Board will invite authors with the outstanding conference papers to submit their work the edited book proposal which will be submitted to the relevant international publisher.
Venue of the conference
The Politology of Religion: V Bi-Annual Conference 2025 will be held at the Faculty of Political Science of University of Belgrade (Jove Ilica 165, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia).
Additional information
Please contact Dr. Marko Veković for any additional information regarding the conference via Email:
We look forward to your participation in the POLREL2025!